Mon 27 Jan
♡♡ ★L_E_T_S °★° B_E °★° N_A_U_G_H_T_Y °★° *T_O_D_A_Y★ ♡♡ █▓█▓█▓ ▓█▓█▓█ █▓█▓█▓ █▓█▓█▓ █▓█▓█▓ - 25
-:¦:- ° Magically DELICIOUS °-:¦:- {{WoW}} -:¦:- ((Pick ME!!!)) - 22
(W. Bank /Downtown In & Outcalls)
lillian here $$$$$$your personal girlfriend - 23
(Mid-City, New Orleans, NEW ORLEANS/ midcity/ gretna)
Let me put a Smile:) on your face...Guarantee this will be a unforgettable memory!!:) - 23
(New Orleans, WestBank-Surrounding Areas)
💦⏩LaStDaY 5️⃣0QuickStOp🔽 💦 ReAl MixXeD🍆PlEaZeR 💯PrOoF AvailAbLe24/7✨📞Me - 23
(New Orleans, West Bank, WestBank,Incall)
LAST DAY!!BUSTY small Waist Flat tummy BIG Butt EYEcANdY🍭🍬🍫REAL PIXXX💋👄 westbank - 22
(new orleans, West Bank)
💋KISS the ❶, & 0nly 😘S E X Y😘 S L I M 👅PLAYMATE ASHLEY 💗321.775.5698💗!!💋 - 21
(French Quarter, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
💋KaNdy $hOp NoW OpeN!! ((REVIEWED)) A-1 G🍩🍩Dies🎂🍨 See Why they CraVe MoRe🍭🍭 - 30
(Mid-City, New Orleans, New Orleans Kenner Metairie incall/outca)
*☆* Jahiara *☆* Still Counting down - 7 days left downtown *☆* - 504
(Downtown/ French Quarter Private Condo)
IT ' S "M'm! M'm! GOOD!!" ♥ T H E__P R O O F__I S__I N__T H E__P U D D I N G ♥ - 21
(New Orleans, METAiRiE $75 SPECIAL'S.....)
It's Page!! Your HOTT Blonde Waiting For You - 21
(French Quarter / CBD, Metairie Out calls / In Calls, New Orleans)
»» ❤ LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» SeXxXy.... SwEeT ... FuN »» ❤ - 21
(Incalls Metairie)
Leaving Soon 🍒🍒Sexy Cherry RedHead 🍒🍒 NEW PICS!! 📷 NEW VIDEO TOO🎬 EMILY FOXX 👸.. OutCalls 🚗 - 19
(New Orleans, Outcalls 🚗 Only)
Latina Heat BUBBLE TROUBLE BOOTY Busty Sexy XXXOTIC short but ready for it ALL🍆😩😍💦 - 26
(Central City / Garden District, Downtown/French quarter, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, Uptown / Carrollton)
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ░▒▓•♥• ★ SEXY ★ •♥• ▓▒░ * ❤.•* OUTCALLS *•.❤* CALL ME!! ▒░ - 18
(New Orleans, ░ * ❤.• OUT ░ * ❤.•)
*Katy Kelly* Exotic and Errotic, Upscale, Discerning, Professional, Independent Brunette - 25
(CBD/Downtown In/Out)
Jazzmime Jewel!!! Am back foryour late night treat!!!!! - 27
(New Orleans, new Orleans downtown and uptown)
** JAWDRoPPING -:¦:- So ADoRABLE -:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:- VeRY ADDiCTiVE - 21
(metairie incall/ outcalls)
*☆* Jahiara *☆*New Look & NEW PICS *☆* Same Great Time - 504
(Downtown/ French Quarter Private Condo)
(¯`'.¸ ITS ¸.'´¯) (¯`'.¸ REALLY ¸.'´¯) (¯`'.¸ HER ¸.'´¯) 100% ReAl PiCs - 25
What you see is what you get NO SURPRISES★ come see my freaky ass Please be serious when calling - 22
(Philadelphia, Southwest)
☆❀°ΑβδσLϑτεlγ Lσνεαβle☆ ▃▆▓▓ ▓▓▆SκιΝ δΜσστΗ αδ βυττεr☆▃▆▓ ▓▆▃ - ☆❀°βσdγ Fiηε αδ ωιNε ☆▃▆▓ - 69
Little Sweet lemon drop I'm back to give you a taste of sexy Pleasure any time of day
(Metairie & will travel to you)
•••►💎 _J_U_S_T ____ W_H_A_T ____ Y_O_U ____ N_E_E_D__💎◄•••💋 - - 25
(New Orleans, new orleans/airport/surrounding areas)
!its been a long day for u now its time to unwind & have u some fun on me.... - 21
(New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner, Downtown)
** Let's Have The Time Of YouR Life **60$Specials WitH IndiaN BeautY** - 19
LeAvInG IN ThE mOrNiNg ★ sUpPeR *SeXy* DeLuXe _XxX_ DoMiNiCaN S!Ut ★ $100 dOn'T MiSS oUt - 27
(Metairie.Incalls/FrEncH qUaRter oUtcaLLs)
iincall special "True satisfaction 💅💋 juicy in all the right places . 🚬🚬4/20 fRiiENdly😘 - 22
(New Orleans, Westbank expressway)
💜💦Let Me Bust It Papi💦💜 (Read Entire Ad Plz) INCALLS🌸💜 - 22
(French Quarter / CBD, Incall🌸PLZ READ👆, New Orleans)
Let Me MAKE YOUR BEAT Independent â Beauty
(Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
Let me POP UR *FIREWORK* YES my REAL PICS! No games No Fake Pics Big Booty Cutie Italian - 27
(New Orleans, Westbank Incalls/ NOLA Outcalls)
Let thick and sexy Mocha satisfied your every need (40DD) - 22
(New Orleans, anywhere- outcalls for now)
Let Me Pull Your Zipper Down ;) mouth on your pants ♥ Gorgeous Petite Hottie ♥ Horny & Freaky - 21
(New Orleans, French Quarters/Outcalls Only)
LeT Me Be YouR LiTTLE SeCReT~ $$$70 70 70 70$$ Specials .--aND I PRoMiSe You WoNT ReGReT iT - 22
Last morning No Hands Thick @$$ ⭐💋⭐💋 THICK Cornbread Fed Big Booty BBW⭐Mixed�💋 ⭐⭐⭐ - 23
(New Orleans, OUTCALLS Metairie, West Bank)
L ❦ ‿ ❦K ❥—» ...NØ FÄKES ... NØ FÏLTERS❥—» §P£C!ALS ❥—>©ALL NÖW!! ☎ - 69
K@nDy ShOp OpeN!! Incall&Outcalls; ((REVIEWED)) Highly RecoMmanDed! - 30
(New Orleans, metairie kenner incall/outcall upscale)
°L°_°E°_°T° ___ °M°_°E° ___ °B L O W° __ °Y°_°O °_°U °_°R ° __ ° M°_ °I° _°N°_D - 23
***!!!!!Kinky black female waiting for you.....Specials starting @ $60 first 5 5044918252 - 25
(New Orleans)
Juiccee Dripping Strawberries All Night Long. Specialss,Feeling Horny? Call Me. - 23
(New Orleans, new orleans,metairie,laplace,westbank)
In louisiana BOOK ME NOW - 44
(Bywater, French Quarter / CBD, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Uptown / Carrollton)
I left town but I'll be back 12/1 Text me to set up your appointment then :) - 24
(Baton Rouge, Baton rouge surrounding area Gonzalez)
I am **ThE ** BeSt ** NeW** orlEaNs FiNeSt PeRfeCt 10 SPEci@L - 24
(New Orleans, EAST N.O. incall/outcall)
Hottest Internet Chick Gorgeous Flawless Black & Brazilian Hottie !!! - 25
(¯`´¯) »*° ( I. HaVe. § _ K_ !_ L _ L _§. BaBy! ) *° ( ILL KEEp YoU CoMiNg BaCk 4 MoRe!» (¯`´¯) - 21
(New Orleans, OUTCALL ONLY)
👑👑👑🍯🍯🍯💋💋👫 I ChOosE you ☝JAmAican tAtTtOeD gOdDess IS uP & rEady(Last dAy iN TOwN)👑👑👑🍯🍯💋👫 - 21
(New Orleans, I 10 service rd (east) (incalls only))
💕Hot Mixed Breed💕 Better Than Her ☝🏼️& Her 3052403913 - 21
(Downtown, Midcity, Slidell, Materie, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
*Hot Blonde** Britney!!! Visiting New Orleans for a week! Come Try a Peice of this Treat! =] - 19
OUTCALLS 🔥SmOking HoT VideO🔥【 †ħε Gεn†ℓεmαη's #❶ Cho¡cε】❤️【 up ALL night 】❤️【√¡ρ Tяεα†mεη†】💋💋💋 - 23
(City of San Diego, sD outcall__24/7( I'm the real deal!))
Juiccee Hershey White Chocolate Fantasy World . Feeling Freaky. Who's Going To Be My Lucky Guy? - 23
(New Orleans, new orleans,metairie,laplace,westbank)