Mon 06 Jan
6 ft Blonde hair Blue eyes MsNaughty 😍💋👠💛💙💜💚❤👠💋😍 - 38
(Greensboro, Greensboro High point Burlington)
"♡♥ ♡ " 336 588 5661 / // BROOk /// specials all night till early mornig♡♥ ♡♥ 80$ White Queen - 22
With our Vivid name and your vivid looks, Make $100,000 a year w/o ever getting out of bed! ◄
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, Work From Home)
Highest Pay in the Industry., Ladies come work for a legitmate company with references! - 33
(Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham, USA)
Syn New New come play with my piercings - 27
(Asheville, Cary NC, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
Top Pay, Flexible Hours, Respectful and Professional Agency Where You Won’t Be Breaking The Law! - 30
(Local and Surrounding Areas, Outer Banks)
Sun 05 Jan
°❀° GReeN EyEs °ThICk ThIGhS VoLuPtUoUs °BIG BooTY BBW °❀° I'm Back!!!! - 24
(CENTRAL Madison)
LeTs PLAY!!! .. new n..e..w.. !!! .. "$100 Special" !! 100% Me or FREE.... 💋 Sexy, tight, LoVabLe - 21
(Airport Incalls, Milwaukee)
5'11 . .LEGGY . .BLONDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GOOD MORNING! - 43
(Madison, madison-east/downtown)
Where Do You Go When Your Wife Says No? Let Me Satisfy Those Urges for You! ;) - 19
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, In town)
VISITING YOUR CITY SOON, upon request ... 2 days Advance Notice, 1hr min. I do require 20% Deposit - 30
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, NORTH RALEIGH & SURROUNDING AREAS)
Your Lady of the Night ...Lady Dezrae!!! Real pics, Great rates, Amazing performance!!! Avail 24hrs - 20
(My place or yours)
OUTCALL SPECIALS!!💋💖Young,Fun& Sexy Ashley💖💋Your Sweetest Temptation... - 19
(anywhere you are, Greensboro, Winston / Salem)
NOW available- Happy Holidays-- 100hhOutcallSpecial til7pm-- UPscale Playmate!!! THX GIVING Day Only - 31
(150 h incall-outcall NOW, Raleigh / Durham)
o {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKING } °o - 26
(Greensboro, GrEeNsBoRo InCaLl OnLy)
NoNRuSHeD »-(¯`v´¯)-»*• _SUPER SEXY »-(¯`v´¯)-» * B0MBSHELL »-(¯`v´¯)-» 100- SPECIAL -35 - 35
(Greensboro, High Point Rd)
☆★NOT Her ⬆ OR Her ⬇ JUST Stop HERE ߒˠEveRy Mans Dream☆35Specials - 24
(Greensboro, Greensboro Incall/ Outcall)
¥£$ NEW NEW NEW ¥£$ $$$$50 .60.100hh$$$200 h HABLO Español $$ SPANISH $$ - 21
(Greensboro, wendover Greensboro♥♥♥ this is Jenny CAL)
Passion is back 😍💦 lightskinned beauty bomb 💣😜 let me show you a good time 🕚(Incall specials) - 19
((FUN & Sexy)) ALL AMERICAN BLONDE ((Available NOW)) Let's Make MEMORIES! - 20
(Greensboro, Near Near A&T; College :))
Hungry? Call for ~Staci & McKenzies'~ HOT Specials!!! ~Wiggles Jiggles Grins n Giggles~ - 30
(Greensboro, Greensboro/W.S./Burlington/High Point)
Grown & Sexy!!! ... ... $80 Specials ... ... For Mature Gentlemen Only!!! - 34
(Greensboro, Greensboro In Call Only)
😘 💋Gεn†ℓεmαη's #❶ Cho¡cε👈❤ ØN€◆DØS€ & YØU'LL◆B€◆ADDICTED👉Thick Goddess😘Avail NOW✨ - 25
(Garner Cary wake forest, Raleigh /Durham, Raleigh / Durham)
Beautiful &&Sexyy; Young NEW Lady in Greensboro for the night💘 Upscale location💄👠💙 CALLNOW!! - 20 - 20
$80 SP£CIALS!! L£AVING SOON!!! ★ {——— S€XY———} ♛ €GYPTIAN ♛ {——— ßoMßSh€LL ———}★ - 22
(Greensboro, high point rd INCALL ONLY)
*AvAiLaBlE nOw:*: *BeAuTiFuL * HERE! * ChEcK uS OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS - 27
(In wilks barre)
◆ DRAMA free ◆ Experienced, Upscale ◆ 100% Independent / Verified / * T * E * R * Review(ed) ◆ - 43
(Madison, Private Incall / local Outcall avail)
!!!Midwest Companion Escort Agency Hiring This Week!!! (Straight Men & Women) - 35
(Madison, Milwaukee, Midwest)
💖Perfect Curves💖Playmate 💋((100%RealPics))💋 Sure to leave you Smiling!💖💙💖 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Outcall Only)
1/2 Cherokee 1/2 Caucasion!!! Exotic & Sooooo much fun!!! NaTuRaL DDs!..!!,,! - 35
(Greensboro, in/out)
Facesitting, Queening, Body worship - 34
(Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, North Carolina, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington)
💋Mature, Sexy Danielle wants to give you the attention you deserve👅 call now3362233077 - 35
(Burlington, Greensboro)
Young and Hot Latinas Girls Visiting Greensboro| Bellasofia last trip before retirement - 28
T.Marie~gorgeous blueeyed redhead ItalianQUEEN ready to bring ur wildest fantasies2life.BURLINGTON - 25
(Burlington Greensboro, Greensboro)